The department of Cultural Affairs grants financial aid for the investigation and conservation of historical heritage

ImatgeThe department of Cultural Affairs of the Consell Insular de Menorca has granted its annual financial aid for research and conservation of historical heritage, distributed in five different segments: archaeological and paleontological interventions, historical research, restoration, scientific publications and social outreach. The total amount of aid granted this year is 200,000 euros.

This year, financial aid for archaeological and paleontological interventions amounts to 114,100 euros. The beneficiary projects are:

- Modular Project: archaeological intervention in Son Catlar (VI phase), granted to Universitat d'Alacant (€ 10,434.82).
- Excavation and restoration project of Torre d'en Galmés, campaign 2020, granted to Amics del Museu de Menorca (€ 12,991.70).
- Archaeological intervention in Torre d'en Galmés, 2020 campaign, granted to Boston University (€ 9,700).
- Archaeological intervention at the Cornia Nou site, granted to the Associació Arqueologia i Patrimoni (€ 11,091.31).
- Archaeological intervention at the Sant Agustí site, granted to the Associació Arqueologia i Patrimoni (€ 7,981.59).
- Archaeological intervention of the apsidal building of the archaeological site of sa Pleta de sa Cudia Cremada, granted to the Associació Sa Cudia Cremada Fieldschool (€ 9,933.81).
- Archaeological intervention in the outer area of ??the Torralba d'en Salort taula enclosure, granted to the Associació d’Amics de Torralba (€ 7,135.07).
- Intervention and restoration at the Coll de Cala Morell, 2020, granted to the Associació d'Amics des Museu d'Història de Manacor (€ 11,661.43).
- Sa Mitja Lluna archaeological project (Illa d'en Colom, Máo), granted to the University of the Balearic Islands (€ 8,430.78).
- Archaeological intervention and work camp in the central area of ??the Torre d'en Galmés site, granted to the Menorca Heritage Recovery association (€ 9,640.11).
- Underwater prospecting of the north coast of Menorca between the bay of Sanitja port and Cala Tirant, granted to the Associació Sanisera (€ 7,860.66).
- Excavation program for the 2020 campaign at the Roman site of Sanisera, granted to the Associació Sanisera (€ 7,238.72).

Financial aid for historical, archaeological and paleontological research
Aid destinated for the pourpose of historical, archaeological and paleontological research amounts to 25,000 euros. The approved proposals are:

- Electoral processes, political initiatives and achievements of the representatives of Menorca in democratic institutions (1977-2019), granted to Xavier Jiménez González, Catalina Bosch Cardona, Joan Josep Matas Pastor, Jordi González Vidal and Elisabeth Ripoll Gil (€ 5,000) .
- Cataloging, identification and elaboration of a monograph on historical educational materials collected in public and private archives on the island of Menorca, granted to Pere Alzina Seguí (€ 5,000).
- Cataloging of the historical bridges of Menorca, granted to Joan Pons Alzina (€ 5,000).
- Cataloging and systematization of the collection of judicial and criminal matters in the archives of the Museu Històric Militar de Menorca (Es Castell) as relates to the La Mola penitentiary, granted to Carlos de Salort Giménez (€ 5,000).
- Inventory, cataloging and digitization of Antoni Pons Melià’s private archive, granted to Miquel López Gual de Torrella (€ 5,000).

Scientific Publications
In the scientific publications section, the total amount of the grants awarded is 13,900 euros. The approved projects are:

- Article "The moorish habitat in Talayotic sites: domestic spaces from the 12th and 13th centuries in two examples: Torre d'en Galmés, Menorca and Almallutx, Mallorca", granted to Amalia Pérez-Juez Gil (€ 1,500).
- Article "Minorcan metallurgical production during the Naviform period (ca.1600-850 cal ANE). Contributions from the Son Mercer de Baix (Ferreries) and Cala Blanca (Ciutadella) workshops", granted to Pau Sureda Torres (€ 1,500 ).
- Article "Iconographic elements in Menorca during the second and first millennia cal BC: social and ideological aspects", granted to Antoni Ferrer Rotger (€ 1,500).
- Article "Menorca abans dels dinosaures: estudi dels vertebrats fòssils del Permià del jaciment de la Cala del Pilar (Menorca, Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean). A new palaeoequatorial middle – late Permian tetrapod assemblage from Menorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean)" granted to the Institut Català de Paleontologia (€ 1,500).
- Monograph "45 years of physical-chemical research on burial limestone sites in Menorca and Mallorca 1975-2020", granted to Marcus Van Strydonck (€ 2,800).
- Monograph "Muralles de la Segona Edat del Ferro a les Illes Balears", granted to Antoni Puig Palerm (€ 5,100).

Financial aid for the restoration of historical heritage
The financial aid for the restoration of historical assets aims to contribute to the conservation of the island's heritage, the stopping of the deterioration that endanger it, promoting the restoration of assets and taking action for their conservation. The total amount is 40,000 euros. The subsidized projects are:

- Project to restore the roof representing Jupiter and Juno, granted to Ajuntament de Maó (€ 10,000).
- Second intervention in Pedrera dels Cotxes - Bretxa and Mirador dels Jardins, granted to the Fundació Líthica-Pedreres de S'Hostal (€ 7,500).
- Project Tors humà L.T.J. Auzoux, granted to the Associació d'Amics de l’Arxiu i Biblioteca Històrics de l’IES Joan Ramis i Ramis (€ 2,855.60).
- Restoration of the defense tower of the Illa de les Sargantanes, in Fornells (€ 10,000).
- Restoration of the A6 and A8 pilasters, granted to the Fundació de l’Hospital de l’Illa del Rei (€ 9,644.40).

Conferences and seminars
Finally, the organization and realization of conferences and/or seminars receives 7,000 euros. The approved projects are:

- XVI Conference on Local History and Heritage, of the Forum 3r Mil·lenni, granted to the Centre d’Estudis Locals d’Alaior (€ 2,000).
- Conference on heritage and memory about the war and the postwar period in Menorca. Activities: conferences, round tables and guided visits, granted to Miquel López Gual (€ 5,000).

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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
MENORCA TALAIÒTICA - Candidata Patrimoni Mundial
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó