Excursion: Night visit to Torre d'en Galmés

Imatge18 Sep

New outing to visit archaeological monuments on Saturday, September 18: a night excursion to visit the Talayotic site of Torre d'en Galmés, in Alaior, the largest prehistoric town of the Balearic islands. There is a wonderful perspective of the southern part of the island from the highest part of the site.
With the guidance of the archaeologist Borja Corral.

  • Date: September 18, 2021.
  • Limited capacity.
  • The pertinent security measures will be adopted.
  • The use of a mask is mandatory. Attendance list will be passed.
  • Bus service.
  • You must register a few days in advance at www.gobmenorca.com/inscripcio-excursio or call 971 35 07 62.

The excursions of the Som talaiòtics? program are organized jointly by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Consell Insular de Menorca and the GOB (Grup Balear d'Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa). In all cases, the tours involve a few kilometers walk as a complement to the site's visit.

There are excursions that have a bus service to return to the starting point, which has a cost of between 3 and 5 euros per person and must be paid at the time of taking it.

Free activity. The cost is assumed by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Education, Youth and Sports of the Consell Insular de Menorca.

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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
MENORCA TALAIÒTICA - Candidata Patrimoni Mundial
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó