Other: Visiting day in Torre d'en Galmés

torre d´en galmés09 Jul

The co-directors -Amalia Pérez-Juez and Alexander Smith- will present some of the results of this excavation campaign together with some of the members of the team that participated in the intervention: Dr. Kathleen Forste (Boston University)/Brown University and Guillem Castellsagué (Autonomous University of Barcelona), among them.

The 2023 campaign has continued deepening the diachronic study of the habitat at Torre d'en Galmés, with the excavation of two Andalusian houses of the 12th and 13th century and a post Talayotic circle on which one of these structures was built. The documentation of medieval structures, organised around open courtyards, has also continued, and one has been prepared for visits.

On the other hand, the flotation of sediment from all the areas and the study of seeds and coals has been carried out in order to reconstruct the landscape and its management, as well as the study of the fauna and the reassembly of ceramic pieces. Some of the pieces recovered in the 2022 campaign and restored this year will be presented during the visit. 

  • Date: Sunday, July 9.
  • Time: 7:30 p.m.
  • Place: Torre d'en Galmés, Alaior.
  • Price: free visit.

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