Son Catlar is one of the largest Talayotic settlements in the Balearic Islands and the only one whose outer wall around most of the settlement remains intact. Although the settlement’s origins date back to the Bronze Age, Son Catlar first gained importance just before the Roman conquest. According to archaeological research, it was between the 5th and 4th centuries BC when the settlement was reinforced with a nearly 900-metre fortification wall that stood over 3 metres tall in some sections. Within the walled enclosure, three talayots, a taula enclosure and a hypostyle hall have been identified, while the remaining structures are hidden by vegetation.

Talayotic settlement of Son Catlar

Son Catlar is one of the largest Talayotic settlements in the Balearic Islands and the only one whose outer wall around most of the settlement remains intact. Although the settlement’s origins date back to the Bronze Age, Son Catlar first gained importance just before the Roman conquest. According to archaeological research, it was between the 5th and 4th centuries BC when the settlement was reinforced with a nearly 900-metre fortification wall that stood over 3 metres tall in some sections. Within the walled enclosure, three talayots, a taula enclosure and a hypostyle hall have been identified, while the remaining structures are hidden by vegetation.

Schedule: Open access

Price: Free

Open: Yes

Access: Access is along Ciutadella’s southern ring road, taking the Sant Joan de Missa exit and following signs to the Son Saura beach. Road signs are posted.

Bus: L66

Car Park: Yes

Guided tours: Visitor information panels are posted.

Contact: Municipal Museum of Ciutadella
971 38 02 97

Services: No

Access for individuals with reduced mobility: No

More information See map

Noticies relacionades
La celebració del nomenament de Menorca Talaiòtica com a patrimoni mundial ha congregat mig miler de persones al poblat talaiòtic de Son Catlar (Ciutadella), en un fosquet ple d’emoció i talent menorquí. L'acte ha acabat amb l’actuació del baix baríton Simón Orfila i la soprano Rosalía Cid, acompanyats al piano per Alejandro Calafat.
Activitats relacionades
Xerrada de José María Lanzarote, tècnic de l’àrea de Patrimoni Mundial del Ministeri de Cultura, al Museu de Menorca. Glosat a càrrec de Soca de Mots. Tast de cervesa Talaiòtica (Grahame Pearce) i dolç talaiòtic (Ca Na Maru). Inscripcions a través del web del Museu de Menorca.
Visita guiada a Son Catlar dins el programa d'activitats per celebrar el Dia Internacional dels Monuments i Llocs Històrics. Explicacions a càrrec de Maria José León, directora del Museu Municipal de Ciutadella-Can Saura i codirectora de les excavacions al jaciment. 
Menorca és Destí i Reserva Starlight, un reconeixement adquirit per la qualitat del cel nocturn gràcies a l'escassa contaminació lumínica, cosa que fa que puguem gaudir de cels increïblement estrellats. Foto: Antoni Cladera.

Projectes relacionats
Anàlisi arqueològic i documental de l'arquitectura feniciopúnica de Menorca.

Enllaços relacionats
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
MENORCA TALAIÒTICA - Candidata Patrimoni Mundial
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó